The main source of pollutants for domestic waste enterprises is waste incinerators. The composition of the smoke produced by incineration is more complicated. The main pollutants in waste incineration include particulate matter, acid gas, CO, toxic heavy metals, and dioxins.

  1. Particulate Matter

The particulate matter produced by waste incineration is mainly divided into three categories. 1. Incombustibles. 2. Inorganic salts formed by high temperature oxidation condense into particulate matter, and misty sulfate particles formed under high temperature of sulfur dioxide. 3. Carbon particles that are not completely burned.

2. Acid Gas

The source of acid gas is mainly HF, HCL formed by the reaction of F, CL and burning hydroxide in the garbage. The N, S contained in the waste is oxidized to form an oxide.

3. Heavy Metal

Heavy metals are mainly derived from batteries, electrical appliances, lamps, chemical solvents, color newspapers, and plastics in garbage. Especially in waste batteries, the content of mercury and chromium is large. Heavy metals enter the flue gas after incineration.

4. Dioxin

The generation of dioxins is more complicated, and it mainly comes from the following three aspects. 1. The garbage itself contains traces of dioxins. 2. Dioxins formed during combustion.

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