Buying dust bag should pay attention: factory price quote , the level is different, how we buy high efficiency and long life filter bag products?
Note To learn outside dust bag production equipment and technology companies also pay attention to each other’s compliance with standards of production technology, production process if keeping up with market demand, as well as complete after-sales detect whether the appropriate timeliness. Select the dust bag bag, in addition to the technical characteristics, but also a comprehensive evaluation of its economy, can not put it simply “cheap” and “expensive” in the technology is reliable, meet the requirements of the premise, consider collecting bag price issue; dust bag prices, it is necessary to consider the initial investment, but also consider running the economy. Such as coated needle felt dust bag, compared with ordinary needle felt dust bag, raised prices several times, but under the same conditions, the running resistance can be reduced by half, saving the running power consumption; the same time as reducing resistance , improve ventilation process can improve host yield, the economic effect is very impressive. Bag house dust bag air permeability and resistance. Ventilation rate is at a certain pressure difference, the amount of gas per unit area on the filter through. Dust bag resistance and permeability directly related. As the air permeability of the calibration constant pressure value, the value of different countries. Dust bag depends on the permeability of fiber fineness of Syria, and the type of fiber and textile methods. Permeability generally refers to the cleaning of filter media permeability. When the dust accumulated on the dust bag, the air permeability to be reduced. Surface smoothness dust bag filter has a very large impact on the operation of the dynamic resistance of the filter. Dust bag initial resistance depends on the permeability of the filter itself, and the running resistance would be many times greater than the initial resistance. Smooth running resistance depends on the degree of cleaning effect of dust bag filter surface and the like. It is generally desirable to ensure that the filter material in the same filtration efficiency, the air permeability of the bigger the better, that is the resistance the lower the better, because it can save a lot of energy. In using a jet of cleaning dust precipitator at the same pressure at the same air volume airflow cleaning, cleaning effect of the choice of air permeability of woven fabric made dust bag when the bag is better to choose a small amount of ventilation wovens. Therefore, to ensure media reach higher filtering accuracy, how to improve the air permeability of the dust bag filter and improve the surface smoothness, reduce dust adhesion, reducing the running resistance is dust bag filter plant should first study. So the transformation of some of the old equipment, improve ventilation, increase production, a preferred embodiment is the original film to the ordinary dust bag dust bag, without increasing the filtration area, not to expand device without moving civil engineering, you can get immediate Effect.