FMS dust bag is a new type of filter material developed for dry blasting of blast furnace gas. It adds P84 fiber on the basis of the glass fiber needle felt, which makes the felt layer more compact and the winding between the fibers is enhanced, which can cope with higher filtering wind speed.

FMS dust bag filter cloth fiber has a trilobal cross-section, resulting in a high surface area coefficient, increasing the probability of catching dust, and the fiber’s special cross-sectional shape, so that most of the dust is concentrated on the filter surface, difficult to penetrate into The interior of the dust bag clogs the gap, reduces the running resistance and increases the filtering speed.

Compared with fiberglass mats, FMS dust bag has the following advantages:
1. Excellent temperature resistance, up to 260 degrees
2. Wear resistance, resistance to winding, more excellent folding resistance
3. Significant increase in mechanical strength
4. Lower initial resistance and running resistance
5. Increased filtration efficiency
6. Increased filter speed
7. Significant increase in service life
8. The adaptability of the bag to dust

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