High efficiency filter is mainly used to capture 0.5um below the dust particles and a variety of suspended solids. The use of ultra-fine glass fiber paper for the filter, offset paper, aluminum and other materials for the split plate, and wood-framed aluminum alloy glued together.
In this case,
Replacement of high efficiency air filter
In this case,
1, the air filter replacement cycle
In this case,
Clean air conditioning systems used in all levels of air filters in what circumstances should be replaced, should be based on their specific conditions.
In this case,
1) Replacement of fresh air filter (also known as pre-filter or primary filter, rough filter) and intermediate air filter (also known as medium efficiency air filter) can be replaced with air resistance of 2 times the initial resistance .
In this case,
2) Replace the end air filter (usually sub-efficient, efficient, ultra-efficient air filter). GBJ73-84 is so stipulated in the gas flow rate to a minimum, even if the replacement of early effect, the effect of the filter, the air velocity can not increase; high-efficiency air filter resistance to twice the initial resistance; high-performance air The filter should be replaced if it can not be repaired.
In this case,
2, the choice of air filters
In this case,
Purifying air conditioning After a period of operation, the air filter used in the system must be replaced. The replacement of the filter should note the following:
In this case,
1) First of all, should be used with the original use of the filter model, specifications, performance (including the production plant) consistent with the air filter.
In this case,
2) the use of new models, specifications of the air filter should consider the original installation of the possibility of the installation of the framework should also be considered 3, air filter removal and purification air conditioning system to send, return air pipe cleaning for air conditioning systems in the original Before the removal of the air filter (mainly refers to the end of the high efficiency or ultra-efficient air filter), should the clean room equipment, flooring and other plastic film can be wrapped and covered to prevent the end of the air filter removed and removed , Air duct, plenum, etc. accumulated dust falling on the equipment and floor pollution.
In this case,
After the air filter in the system is removed, the installation frame, air conditioner, sending and return air pipes should be thoroughly cleaned.
In this case,
When removing the air filter in the system, it is recommended to follow the order of the primary (fresh air) filter, medium efficiency filter, sub-efficiency filter, high efficiency filter and ultra high efficiency air filter in order to reduce dust entering the clean room the amount.
In this case,
Since it is not easy to replace the air filter at the end of the air conditioning system, and the replacement cycle is long, it is recommended that all equipment in the system be repaired at the same time as the end air filter is replaced.

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