Bag filter is to remove dust exhaust pollutants efficient dust removal equipment. Dust removal mechanism is attached to the dust cake with a filter surface of the filter dust. Outstanding feature is the high collection efficiency dust filter bag house through the exhaust gas, its concentration is generally stable discharge reached 50 mg / m³ or less, and even up to 5 mg / m³. In the increasingly demanding environmental protection today, bag house dust have other ways incomparable advantage. Usually by the host bag house filter elements (dust bag) and cleaning and other auxiliary control system. Bag house dust bag which is a core component of the material, sewing, use and maintenance related to the efficient and stable operation of the entire system, dedusting system, the wind, dust concentration, load balancing, flue gas temperature and humidity, corrosion and other factors may cause dust bag breakage failure. In various types of dust filter bag breakage failure, the wear is a common type, and with the dust of the design, manufacture and application are closely related. Bag wear refers dust bag during use, due to repeated filtration and cleaning state switching between the bulging bag and contraction, with dust bag or other skeleton member relative motion, high speed dust stream erosion caused by local wear. Dust bag wear is the main type of bag breakage failure, damage after other types of damage caused by a small hole, the dust stream erosion also generate further wear. Closely related to wear and bag filter design, air, cleaning dust and the like. Dust bag wear generally occurs in the following five areas: the bag bag, bag body bags, the lower part of the bag, the bag and the bag bottom inside of the bag. Different circumstances and factors in different parts of the wear occurs, the solution is different, for all parts of the following 11 inventory. A site, dust bag bag parts wear Multi-pocket bag parts wear down less than 400mm, mostly for signs of breakage in the pocket from the inside out. Such initial wear is mainly due to the compressed air pulse cleaning bag deviates from the center of the side wall of the bag directly caused by erosion. In departing from the side of the compressed air constantly scouring the inner side of the bag layer is first compressed air blowing off, then was blown fabric leak, blow the final filtration surface is also leaking. When the bag side damage, breakage resistance decreased rapidly into the flue dust from the breakage, erosion damage at the diagonal to form a new void and a new entrance flue dust, eventually leading to a growing number of empty bags mouth ring damage, even when serious head and body bags bags isolated. Such damage is mainly compressed air pressure is too high, blowing a short tube askew, resulting in deformation of the plate flowers and other reasons, once found such wear before put a new bag to deal with cleaning spray. Two parts, the bag body bags bit wear Wear dust bag body bags, a common central vertical stripe bag signs of wear, two possibilities: If signs of breakage from the inside out, broken vertical bars in the bag cage contact points, that is the vertical rib cage bags sealing off or corrosion, or wear off the bag is too high injection pressure, injection too frequently, so that the bag and the bag cage contact position of folding fracture caused damage. By replacing the bag cage or wear adjustment blowing device solves these problems. If signs of breakage from outside to inside, vertical rib cage damage in the bag at the contact. Often visible external bag (bag or box adjacent member) has a bag with traces of grinding touch. Such deformation or wear bag bag cage is installed is too small, too large diameter bag or loose, causing contact between the bag and the bag, and the bag filter housing member in the cleaning process due to the filter bag expansion of mutual friction and wear it. Generally in need of replacement bag cage, and ensure the quality of the installation. Bag filter design process, should be avoided from the bag and the bag and the spacing between the box structure is too small.

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