The problem of beer suspension has always been a technical problem and focus of the brewery. Its research is a subject that combines theory and practice. It is a long-term and complicated task to solve this technical problem by exploring the formation mechanism of beer suspension, studying the method of identifying beer suspensions and sediments, and identifying the composition of suspended substances. For enterprise technicians, it is an effective way to solve the problem by strengthening the filtration in the appropriate process and avoiding the suspended matter from entering the liquor.

Liquid bag filter cartridge filter is designed by German technology design and American company standard organization. It has been widely used and popularized in the domestic food and beverage industry. It is a closed filter system. Single bag (core), multi-bag (core) and other forms, its working principle is the use of pressure filtration. The whole bag (core) filter consists of three parts: the filter vessel, the support basket and the filter bag (core); as for the movable magnetic bar, it is an optional accessory and can be freely selected according to individual circumstances. The liquid to be filtered by the bag filter flows from the top of the filter bag supported by the support basket, so that the liquid is evenly distributed over the entire filter surface, and the flow distribution surface in the entire filter medium is uniform and there is no negative effect of turbulence. The liquid flows outward from the filter bag, and the filtered particulate impurities are trapped inside the filter bag. When the filter bag is replaced, the downstream liquid is not contaminated, and the filtration system is also convenient for cleaning. The design of the handle in the filter bag makes it quick and easy to replace the filter bag. Most filter vessels are made of high-quality stainless steel 304 and 316, and can be customized for multi-bag filter containers according to flow requirements.

The special support basket for bag filter is made of high-strength stainless steel sheet (1.5mm thick), and the entire stainless steel plate is equidistantly and accurately punched out of the row of holes through a computer-controlled programming row hole machine, after cold forming The automatic welding equipment adopts the argon arc welding process for one-time welding and shaping. Finally, the blue surface of the filter is electropolished and color processed to obtain the best accuracy. The filter surface area per unit area is large (52%, stainless steel mesh filter only 28%), high pressure, good roundness, high weld accuracy:
High circulation capacity;
Ensure the service life of the filter bag is extended;
The liquid flow is even, so that the particle impurities are evenly distributed in the filter layer of the filter bag;
High filtration efficiency;
The lowest cost is within the range of 1-1000 micron filtration accuracy.
Saar Bag Filters are equipped with high-quality filter bags, which have been imported from the United States/Canada and have been treated with hot-melt singe and are made of high-quality non-woven needled felt cloth, supplemented by scientific structural design and hot melt production process. In order to ensure a significant increase in filtration accuracy and efficiency. The brewery generally uses polypropylene filter bags. The active magnetic bar is an optional accessory for the bag filter and is composed of a large number of permanent magnetic high-magnet bar magnets, which are installed in the center of the filter bag. It is very effective for the removal of impurities in the tap water line, it can also remove fine iron impurities, protect the filter bag, and extend the service life of the filter bag.

Typical applications of the liquid bag filter in the brewery include: 1. mashing cold wort for sterilizing and filtering; 2. yeast culturing using compressed air for sterilizing and filtering; 3. back pressure for the fermenter/sweeping tank; 4. Instrument used sterile air and filling machine CO2 sterilization filter; 5, sterile water / deoxidized water preparation; 6, process water / brewing water filtration; 7, diatomaceous earth / PVPP particle trapping and fine filter 8, beer fine filter; 9, pure beer sterilization filter system and does not affect the stability of beer foam Durapore membrane filter; 10, recycling beer filtration; 11, replace the diatomaceous earth filter tangential flow filtration system. Filtering of CIP water, brewing water, bottle selection water, rinse water, and filling machine washing water Use bag filters to filter CIP water, saccharification water, bottle washing water, rinse water, and filling machine washing water. Remove particulate impurities to avoid deterioration of water quality due to seasonal changes or abnormalities in the water pipelines, affecting the normal operation of production. Choose the 250 micron filter bag in this position to achieve the purpose of use.

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