Needless to say, PPS needle felt has become a part of our lives. PPS needle felt not only keeps warm, but also plays an important role in other industries. PPS needle felts need to be felt when making them. This is a necessary step in the traditional production of PPS needle felts. Let’s take a look.
The felt of the PPS needle felt factory is also known as the patch felt. Artificial feet are used to apply pressure and rubbing force to the PPS needle felt to reach the goal of puckering.
1. Lay the carpet two fold on the water curtain. The water curtain is made of bamboo. The felt is then sprinkled with hot water. The water temperature is about 80~90°C. Then the curtain was rolled up and the three people sat side by side as the picture was used to wash the felt.
2. The three movements should be consistent when the felt is felt, and the right hand is the belt, which is used to give the force of the PPS needle felt opposite to the foot, so that the felt can not only rotate, but also can be rubbed from the feet. The soaked felt blank is puddled under the effect of hot water and pressure and kneading force.
3. Use a water curtain to curl up the felt blank and wash it four times, ie, left and right, twice, and then wash the width direction, that is, the width direction is for tumbling, and the width is also washed 4 times. Then remove the water curtain and wash it four times in the long direction and in the wide direction, and wash it 16 times. Hand-washing felt for 3 people for about an hour can be washed in 6×4 market size (length x width).
Therefore, manual felting has low production efficiency and labor intensity. For this reason, all felting factories currently do not use this backward production method. Handmade felting is just a brief introduction here, and some rural areas in pastoral areas still have many ways of producing in this way.