Q:What is the venturi tube material and specifications ?
A:Venturi tube materials are iron , aluminum , stainless steel and a variety of different materials such as high-quality venturi , iron venturi tube Using a 1 mm thick steel plate forming a stretch production , meet the requirements of tensile strength , excellent fatigue strength in cast aluminum venturi , especially not break and cause serious mechanical accident ; the venturi dust skeleton inside and outside curvature of the smooth, smooth , easy to smooth air flow . Venturi specifications Φ110, Φ115, Φ120, Φ125, Φ130, Φ135, Φ140, Φ145, Φ155 like skeleton joints and floor of the mouth is the same size, all specifications venturi height specifications are 130 head diameter Φ60 diameter according to the bulk of the skeleton different specifications Φ145 , Φ170