Filmedia® qualitative and quantitative cellulose filters papers are manufactured from high quality cellulose and cotton linters which have been treated to achieve a minimum alpha cellulose content of 98% to maintain guaranteed quality, reproducibility, and uniformity. The filters are tested for basic weight, thickness, air flow, and mechanical strength. They are mainly used for sample clarification or precipitate recovery before material identification or quantification in areas such as pharmaceutical, chemical, environmental testing, food and beverage, mining, cement and many other industries.



Qualitative Cellulose Filter Papers

Waterfiltech offers a wide choice of qualitative cellulose filter papers with different levels of purity, hardness, flow rate, loading capacity, and chemical resistance. Two formats are available: standard filters and wet-strengthened filters.

Specifications of Standard Products

Complete Pack Size 100 Pieces
Diameter Customized
Typical Particle Retention in Liquid 2-25µm1)
Nominal Thickness 150–350 µm
Nominal Basic Weight 68-161 g/m2
Nominal Air Flow Rate 13 – 32 s/100 ml/in2
Nominal Ash Content 0.06–0.15%2)
Material Cellulose
Typical Trace Element Levels Aluminium 3.6 µg/g 

Antimony <0.5 µg/g

Arsenic <0.5 µg/g

Barium <0.5 µg/g

Boron <1 µg/g

Calcium 27.5 µg/g

Chromium 1 µg/g

Copper 0.9 µg/g

Iron 13.7 µg/g

Lead <0.5 µg/g

Magnesium 21 µg/g

Manganese <0.5 µg/g

Mercury <0.5 µg/g

Potassium 6.2 µg/g

Silicon 8.8 µg/g

Sodium 32.3 µg/g

Zinc 58.3 µg/g

1)Particle retention rating at 98% efficiency. 

2)Ash is determined by ignition of the cellulose filter at 900°C in air.

Specifications of Wet Strengthened Products

Complete Pack Size 100 Pieces
Diameter Customized
Typical Particle Retention in Liquid 2-30µm1)
Nominal Thickness 140–420 µm
Nominal Basic Weight 65-125 g/m2
Nominal Air Flow Rate 2- 7 s/100 ml/in2
Material Cellulose
Typical Trace Element Levels Aluminium 3.6 µg/g 

Antimony <0.5 µg/g

Arsenic <0.5 µg/g

Barium <0.5 µg/g

Boron <1 µg/g

Calcium 27.5 µg/g

Chromium 1 µg/g

Copper 0.9 µg/g

Iron 13.7 µg/g

Lead <0.5 µg/g

Magnesium 21 µg/g

Manganese <0.5 µg/g

Mercury <0.5 µg/g

Potassium 6.2 µg/g

Silicon 8.8 µg/g

Sodium 32.3 µg/g

Zinc 58.3 µg/g

1)Particle retention rating at 98% efficiency. 

2)Ash is determined by ignition of the cellulose filter at 900°C in air.

Quantitative Cellulose Filter Papers

Waterfiltech Cellulose Filter Papers are very pure filters suitable for a wide range of critical analytic filtration procedures.They are designed to meet your various specific needs.


Complete Pack Size 100 Pieces
Format Circles
Typical Particle Retention in Liquid 2.5-22µm1)
Typical water flow rate 5-453 ml/min2)
Nominal Thickness 115–220 µm
Nominal Basic Weight 78-100 g/m2
Nominal Air Flow Rate 3 – 144 s/100 ml/in2
Nominal Ash Content 0.01–0.015%2)
Material High-quality Cotton Linters
Typical Trace Element Levels 


Aluminium 2.5 µg/g 

Antimony <0.5 µg/g

Arsenic <0.5 µg/g

Barium <0.5 µg/g

Boron <1 µg/g

Calcium 8.3 µg/g

Chromium 1.5 µg/g

Copper 2 µg/g

Iron 12 µg/g

Lead <0.5 µg/g

Magnesium 4 µg/g

Manganese <0.5 µg/g

Mercury <0.5 µg/g

Potassium 2.3 µg/g

Silicon 6.2 µg/g

Sodium 16.8 µg/g

Zinc 64.5 µg/g

1)Particle retention rating at 98% efficiency. 

2)Ash is determined by ignition of the cellulose filter at 900°C in air.