4, summary

By analyzing the above three questions, it is not difficult to summarize the correct method of selecting the filter material:


  1. Select a filter material with a relatively larger surface area

Since it is a choice, there will definitely be comparisons. Many times we may not be able to visually determine which filter has a larger surface area, but we can roughly discern the pores and depth of the filter surface. In the same way, we can also change the idea of ​​a basket of bacteria house and a basket of ceramic rings of the same size which surface area is larger? Obviously, the small ceramic ring is more dominant. Therefore, we should try to choose a relatively small volume of filter material when the size of the filter space is limited. Only in this way, nitrifying bacteria have a greater living space.

Some people may also have the question that the more expensive the filter material is, the larger the surface area is? Yes, in theory, it is like this, but it is relative to different brands of different types of filter materials. If I choose among the high-end large individual bacteria house and the small-scale small individual bacteria ring, I will definitely choose small, reason. Very simple, the surface area of the relatively small volume of the filter material is definitely relatively large, and the price is more affordable, cost-effective! Of course, if you like to keep improving, you can also choose a small filter material of the brand.

2. select the filter material does not affect the water quality

This point is not mentioned in the above question, but the same thing should be noticed. The purpose of using the filter material is to raise water. If the filter material used has a great influence on the water quality, it is better not to use it. Especially for the filter materials that have an impact on the water body TDS and pH value, we must carefully consider it. Here to recommend a method of testing the filter material, first prepare two empty cups, then one cup into the filter to be tested and add their own tap water, another cup also added their own tap water. After 12 hours, test the TDS values of the two cups. If the difference between the two cups is larger than 50-100, then the use of this filter should be considered. Therefore, when purchasing filter media, you may wish to purchase a small amount of test first. Some aquarists have no problem at all when they have problems with fish farming. It may be a good idea to work on the filter material. The filter material is likely to be the culprit influencing water quality!

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