1. filter wind speed

The filter wind speed of the single bag filter is too high, which is the main reason for bag damage. In recent years, some companies have increased the filtration speed in order to reduce equipment costs. The user did not have a significant response in a short period of time, but greatly shortened the service life of the dust collector bag. In this way, instead of saving money, the customer has a very large economic burden and wasted time.

2. The dust medium

The choice of the fabric of the dust collector bag is determined by the dust properties of the dust, taking into account whether the dust contains acid, alkali or corrosive substances. The filter material is selected according to the nature of the dust, so that the filter bag can properly absorb the dust without affecting its service life.

3. Operating temperature

Proper selection of the dust collector bag suitable for the corresponding dust temperature is the key to the filter bag. If the temperature is too high, the selected dust collector bag will exceed the normal use temperature, the filter bag will shorten the service life, and it will burn out in a short time.

Sometimes the working environment of the dust removal equipment is threatened by high temperatures, which is inevitable. Especially for some working environments containing many flammable substances, such as the operation of coal kiln, the surface of the bag is covered with a layer of fine coal powder due to the adsorption of fine dust. The addition of pulverized coal can easily cause the burning of the bag under the action of high temperature.

There is also damage to the dust bag in the course of the operation. In many operating environments, there are a lot of Mars splashes, and these damage to the bag is also fatal, because it is easy to break the bag. Especially for cloth bags with a relatively thin material, the damage is very large.